Chair Person
Run Leader
In an attempt to improve my general fitness, I decided to try a ‘couch to 5k’ session in January 2019; however, I found it difficult to commit to this on my own (the cold mornings did nothing to help either!) – I hadn’t run any great distance since leaving school (quite a while ago!)
Spring came along and with it an opportunity to join the Orchard Eagles beginners group to help me achieve my 5k goal. As well as feeling better physically and mentally, I actually realised again that I enjoyed running, the support and guidance from the leaders of the group is amazing, running with other members made for such an enjoyable experience.
Working full time as an engineer within the nuclear industry can be stressful, running with the Eagles helps me think about other things other than work, as well as keeping me physically fit.
I am married to Kay (also an Eagle) have 3 daughters and a cocker spaniel (Willow) - she keeps us on our feet during the day but loves a cuddle on the night!
As well as running and being out with Willow I have a passion for collecting and restoring vintage computers from the 80’s and early 90’s - so if you have any packed away in your attic collecting dust then you know who to contact!
Being a run leader and club chair has allowed me to give back to others the support that I have received from the Orchard Eagles, helping other runners work towards achieving their personal goals.